4 April 2017

Details analysis

A visual inspection, on various materials, is necessary to detect the following defects: stains, disuniformities, formation errors, thickening, wrinkles, stripes, cracks, missing or defective coating, holes, calender marking issues, rarefaction, breakages, blotches, dots and dirt.

Metal sheet or plates can be subject to damages during their making or usage in the production line. Checking for the absence of defects ensures that the plates are perfect, without bumps or stains and with the desired design or weave.

A visual inspection on fabric is necessary in the presence of the following defects:24230884-red-de-punto-tejido-de-textura-de-fondo-abstracto[1] stains, disuniformities, formation errors, thickenings, wrinkles, stripes, coating defects, holes, calender marking issues, rarefactions, frayings.
Through our systems we can retrieve information like weave dimensions and defects, color issues and disuniformities and provide different signals for any detected issue or even send a reject impulse for the discard system.


lastrepvc copyDuring plastic materials processing, an optical inspection is fundamental to detect holes, cracks, breakages, thickenings, stains, dents, bubbles, dirt, missing coatings. Our systems work in-line with the purpose of detecting each one of these problems and to generate a discard signal that can be acquired by the relative system or send to an industrial siren or a light rod. The inspection is guaranteed for high speeds and various kind of plastic materials like PVC plates and floors, printed PET sheets, coating film, coated plastics, adhesive tapes, food wrap.